Adventures in Time

Today I went out for a run. I went for almost an hour and really enjoyed myself. It was hot and steamy yet there was every now and then a cooling breeze and shade from cloud or tree. I ran and felt a zest and joy in moving, sometimes picking up speed and at other times a low steady pace. I could feel eyes on me as I ran beside the street.



I haven’t run like that in a few months. I want to make this a hobby. I’d like to run maybe 3 times a week for this long.

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I intended on going to a trail instead but this park called me. Ever since this morning when I walked Jake (pet). On our walk I saw a woman running, looking like she had just finished a workout and was cooling down. Ironically, I believe I saw her again while I was running this afternoon. Only this time she was the one walking her dogs and I was running. There was this strange moment. Our eyes kept meeting and un-meeting. It was like I wasn’t sure if it were her, the same one from the early morning. I think she might have been wondering too. Interesting how our roles changed.

I didn’t think to go running at that park this morning, but a seed was planted in my mind. I was only reminded of how I used to run in that same park. As the day progressed I decided and my mind was made up to run, yet I didn’t know where until I thought how I wanted a relatively un-busy trail. The park was a perfect match because usually there aren’t so many people on the sidewalk.

I wish there were actual pictures to show. Next time I’ll use my phone to capture the essence of that park during that time of day. The sun was so bright! It really was lovely. And HOT!

Image result for hot sun

Heres a picture of Jake




He is a Tibetan Spaniel, if you’d like to know 🙂


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